WMS Roof Replacement update Four
Waterlooville Men's Shed
Interesting week, scaffolding erected Wednesday, major deliveries Thursday and full speed ahead Friday.By lunchtime on Friday one section of the roof had been removed and new timbers, boards and first layer of roofing material laid. It is certainly going to be a big improvement once completed. With the increased head room throughout there will be plenty of room for lots of shelves…NOT…It was bad enough disposing of all the rubbish stored on shelves prebuild. If you think it may come in handy, remember where you put it and if it’s still there in 3 months….ditch it!
Having ventured onto the top of the old roof we were certainly on borrowed time.
Contractor will be working on Saturday, cover arranged.
Safety helmets have been procured and are in the canteen should they be required.
All being well, and the forecast for next week is at present favourable, at the current rate of progress we may well see light at the end of the tunnel by Friday.
Hours of attendance will be daily 0800 until circa 1700 weather permitting.
If you have any questions or require support, please contact either myself of John. Contact details as above.
No turning back now it’s onwards and upwards to our new roof, ceilings and a good splash of white emulsion!
On behalf of John and myself, a BIG thank you to one and all.
Contact Information
- 07450439906
- 07576517038
Find Waterlooville Men's Shed
Padnell Road, Cowplain, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO8 8EH
Additional Information
Turn into the road to Padnell Junior School. It is the white building on the left, just before the grass. Please leave a text message if you do not get a reply on second phone number as we are unable got retrieve voice mail